What should I consider when trying to make a decision for my career?
The right way to live is to live life based on your terms
The other day, I was speaking to a family friend of mine whose in college. They go to a business school.
And they’re seeing a lot of their friends going into investment banking. And she was asking me, should I do the same as all of them?
The reality is what you have to understand — how you should live your life is based on you.
Just because a lot of people are taking one path, doesn’t mean you should take that same path.
As an individual whose had unique family situation, unique growing up situation, you have to decide what makes sense for you.
I have friends who want to make a lot of money and they do that.
I have friends who want to have a a balanced work-life balance and they have a job that allows them to do that.
Make the decisions based on your individual wants.
Each industry, whether it’s investment banking, consulting or going into a marketing role, you can study the industry — the hours, the pay, the role and you should make the decision based on what you think fits your wants.
If you don’t know what you want, then just try and see how it goes.
Often, we look at society to dictate our decisions. But internal satisfaction and happiness only comes from you.
So make the decisions in life on how to live based on your internal desires and motivations.