Want to create lasting solutions to social issues? Why wealth accumulation may be your answer
The accumulation of wealth isn’t always bad.
The other day, I was talking to someone and she was telling me about how she didn’t respect most people who wanted to make a lot of money because she felt like most people who made a lot of money didn’t use their money to solve social issues (i.e. she felt Jeff Bezos should never have started SpaceX and instead of should’ve donated all that money to social good).
Whether or not you agree with that statement, I think we all can agree the accumulation of wealth gives you the ability to make positive change.
Therefore, I think a lot of people who want to improve and solve social issues should actually think about ways to accumulate wealth instead of being so against making a lot of money.
For example, take rent control. How do we solve that?
Obviously, one way is to encourage politicians to put in the right policies.
You want to know another way is?
Buy the real estate that residents live in and create your own artificial rent control. Be the best landlord ever and never increase rent.
Making money gets a bad rap with a lot of people who want to see social issues solved, but realize if you or a community of like-minded people accumulates wealth, you can create a lot of positive change with that wealth.
Recently, Jeff Bezos donated $100 million to the Obama Foundation. That type of donation has the ability to change a lot of lives — whether through scholarships, employment, creating new programs.