It’s important to understand that on social media people are mostly only going to post positive posts.
Relationships are a great example of this.
When have you seen a couple post a picture saying they are arguing or they are going through a rough patch?
The only couple pictures you see are of them smiling together.
But yet, each day, we know couples everywhere are working through issues and trying to better understand each other.
We all must understand this.
Social media for the most part only gives one aspect of our lives — the positive.
Everyone in the world has anxiety, has self-esteem issues, has bad days.
Yet you rarely ever see a bad day post.
Do not base your life based on what people are posting.
They are not showing their entire life.
So here’s me doing my best to show myself in a way that I sometimes am — overwhelmed and stressed.
A side that I don’t show on my Instagram.
A side that you wouldn’t get from “stalking my profile”.
A side that most friends wouldn’t know of me.
But it happens to me, just like everyone else. We’re all human.