People talk about the fear of failure, which is definitely a thing and a major reason people never go after a dream, a side hustle, or a business.
But I think for those of us who have started and are in the midst of a journey we often deal with the fear of success.
The other day, he was saying to me, I could never see myself in a leadership position.
And I was thinking to myself, why would he think this about himself?
But the reality is as I reflected, we’re all insecure.
We all question whether we deserve or are” built for” a certain higher-level position. We all feel imposter syndrome.
The reality is though, you can do it.
While yes, it’s true, right now you are not ready for it. In due time, with hard work and gaining experience, you will be ready for it.
Don’t fear success. Don’t doubt yourself. You are built for all that you dream of.