The #1 reason most people are not happy/joyful is they’re comparing their lives with others.
Whenever I have a discussion with someone about their happiness, it usually always goes a very similar way — “I’m blessed, but I’m just not happy day to day. What do you think is the problem?”
I always tell people -
Realize, you define success. You define the value systems for happiness.
Say you define happiness and success as — I want to make $50,000/year, get a work promotion every 2 years, be a good family person and friend, and have good work/personal life balance.
The reason many people, even if they define happiness and success as specifically as this, aren’t happy is they look outside, they compare.
They go on social media and see a 20 year TikToker making a million bucks.
They see a friend of theirs get engaged and their single.
If you compare your life with others constantly, that’s a proven formula for unhappiness.
Stop comparing and just look internally at how you define happiness and success and evaluate whether you’re hitting those marks.