Sometimes the right decision is hard. However, we must still make it.
Sometimes the right decision is hard.
For example, cutting someone off who is toxic or is providing negative energy may be hard because you may have love for them. They might be a family member or long-time friend.
Changing careers after being in a certain career path for some time isn’t easy both from a professional standpoint of finding jobs in a new career path or from the reaction of friends and colleagues judging you and feeling like you wasted all those years going the wrong way.
However, the right decision is always the right decision.
If you don’t want the stress of dealing with a certain person, you should limit your time with them to limit the amount of affect they have on you.
If you aren’t happy with your career, you should try and change to something new, because liking your job is a lot better than not liking your job.
#right #decision #be
#selfish #mentalhealth #wellness
#cutoff #toxic #negative
#energy #change #career