My Top 10 best mentle health advices:
1. Be your biggest supporter
So often, we are very critical of ourselves and we only see the negative.
See all that you are good for and all the improvement you’re trying to make in your life.
2. write down/speak out the thoughts in the head
One time, I felt like because someone didn’t respond to me, that they hated me.
The next time I saw them in person. Then 3 days later they responded and were like “I was in a meeting at the time and totally forgot to respond.”
Journal those thoughts out. It helps bring it out of your mind and realize sometimes how irrational you’re being.
3. let yourself feel it for some time
if you’ve been through a trying time, don’t act like it’s not bothering you.
feel those feelings. express your emotions. talk to people about how you’re feeling
after some period, start challenging your brain to get out of that cycle. once you get into a negativity cycle, you continue to remain in it.
challenge your brain to start seeing the good, seeing the progress, doing things you like, seeing friends. maybe each day write down 1 thing you’re grateful for.
list of things you’re hopeful for — VERY KEY. continuing to change your mindset to positivity.
4. if you don’t have any circumstance to make you be in a mental health state (i.e. you’re not coming off a death, a breakup) like you’re life is decently good, but you just are not doing well, you probably medically have an issue going on, in which case you should probably seek help.
5. stop comparing yourself to others
your journey is your journey. no one’s had your cards. compare yourself to 3 months ago, 6 months ago. as long as you’re making progress, you’re good.
and realize life is about internal happiness.
if you don’t care about having a fancy job title, stop looking to get one.
6. cut out negative people or negative things
7. realize you’re in control
8. realize it’s a life long battle which will have ups and downs
create an environment — therapy, journaling, exercising, support group
9. do what you need
only you have the self-awareness to know
make changes where you need to — toxic environment
10. learn about different forms of mental
Bipolar, Anxiety, Depression, Eating disorder Symptoms
Also vlogged about everything written here.