Maturity and wisdom only comes through living life and life experience
You need time and life experience to mature and gain wisdom.
The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine.
She was reflecting on her life and wished she had been more mature in her college years.
She said, she wished she had the wisdom she has now at 27 back then in that 18–22 age range.
While it’s definitely a healthy to wish you had the maturity of today in the past (I think that means you have a good heart and wish you could’ve done things differently in hindsight), unfortunately, for all of us wishing this, it’s an impossible desire.
The only way to gain wisdom and maturity is through experiencing the process of life — living, making mistakes, growing and developing through the stages of life, and reflecting later on on the past years.
The wisdom we all have today is through the life experiences of the past.
If you are feeling remorse or regret about a time period in your life, if there’s anything you can do about it, i.e. apologizing to someone, then do it.
If there’s nothing you can do, forgive yourself and know that no human is perfect.
We all did the best we could/made the best decisions we could based on our level of maturity and thinking at the time.