What if tomorrow you only woke up with the what/who you were grateful for today?
It’s interesting to think about isn’t it?
Suddenly, all the petty, small stuff, all that thinking goes away.
And you focus on the most important things — the people you love and care about, the people you don’t want to lose from your life.
Maybe you remark to yourself about how lucky you are to be healthy and alive, and you think about all the blessings you have in your own life — food, shelter, clothing, access to good healthcare.
If you can, try and live this way everyday. It’s hard. The daily stresses of life get to most of us and we can’t see the bigger picture.
But do your best to see the good, to see the positives.
Because even when life gets hard and overwhelming, there is good all around us.
We just have to see it and acknowledge it.