Having too much trauma is not an excuse to not try professional help
Having too much trauma is not an excuse to not start therapy or some other form of mental health help.
The other day, a friend of mine was talking about his life. And I asked him if he had ever tried therapy?
He laughed. He said he had been through so much shit in life, from when he was young kid, it wasn’t even worth trying therapy.
That he was like an onion, there were so many traumas over his lifetime, it would take centuries to talk through all of what he’d been through.
I understand talking through traumas is tough. It’s not fun to have your mind go back to that time/place.
But having multiple traumas is not an excuse for not trying therapy.
In fact, having multiple traumas is the exact reason you should try a mental health professional.
Processing, talking about the events/the time periods, the emotions you feel about those incidents, how they changed you is something you should definitely do.
Starting somewhere is better than never starting.