i know the way you’re feeling.
the trauma, the stress, you don’t want to deal
with it all anymore.
i know you want it all to go away.
but ending your life,
that’s not the answer.
you are going through a tough time
and i know it sucks
but don’t give up on yourself
don’t let this be the end of your story.
believe me, when i say
you can work on all the emotions and stress that you’re feeling
you can work on processing all the trauma
it’s not going to be fun at first
but through that work, things will get better.
you will learn to create boundaries
you will learn to love yourself
you will learn to manage those negative voices.
eventually, a day will come
where you wake up energized
where you feel purposeful and happy.
believe in yourself.
let finding your best and happy self be your story.
Arnav Roy