Don’t tie your entire self worth to your relationship or your job
Don’t tie your entire self worth to your career or your relationship.
In the life talks I do, many times people come to discuss their life after losing their job or a break up.
Often they feel depressed and even suicidal because it feels like they’ve lost their identity and they don’t know who they are without their job or without their ex.
They’re so tied to their job/that person that when they lose the job/person, they feel like they’re losing their entire self.
Understand, breakups/losing your job is incredibly hard and there naturally should be a period of sadness.
Anything meaningful that is lost takes time to get over.
However, we have to do a better job of setting boundaries and balancing ourselves.
While our careers/relationships define us a good amount, they can’t define you entirely.
For your profession, remember you’re human first.
For example, for a professional football player — while football may be what he does for a living, he is a human first.
For your relationship, remember to still be you and do the things that you love even in a relationship.
If you love video games, don’t stop playing them because your partner doesn’t like playing them.
If you like a certain TV show, don’t stop watching it because your partner doesn’t like watching that show.
There’s always compromise in relationships and jobs, but don’t lose who you are.